Marching Along The Highway Called Life!

I had never seen anything like that and probably never will again. As long as she was by my side, I had enough to occupy my mind with the friendship flowering just as I had expected.

Yet this opportunity to travel abroad for a fashion workshop came as a lucky godsend just when I needed a boost to my career. I hit the headlines, and my images crowded social media pages. I am thankful that some matchmaking apps bring young people together in a dreamlike setting. Rebecca and I ate at a cute Taco Bell yellow and blue joint before splitting up for the night. She went back to her girl's hostel. I decided to walk around a little bit and explore the massive high-rises that crowded the vision on every side.

Women with painted bodies posed for pictures with tourists. I could see some lettering too but hardly understood what the garish colors indicated. I bought a few small items at the tiny corner shops and avoided the apparently expensive stately businesses. The slogan inside the food joint said, 'Think outside the bun,' and I kept wondering what it meant. I had eaten a burger all right, and perhaps it referred to the bun like a burger. But thinking outside from my teeth inside. Anyway, let it be. Maybe this dating app would attract us mutually, hopefully for a lifetime of happiness.

The walls came alive with a fascinating world of exotic digital signages, several stories tall, flashing messages that sold success stories. Coke certainly believed they were the 'real thing' when we hardly know what is real in an impermanent existence. Yet I did feel that the Rebecca relationship was real and fated to last forever like the diamonds, so sweet, so fragrant.

The following slogan turned spiritual. Sri Ravi Shankar and the Art of Living said, 'I am love, I let love in, I am kind to myself, I live in peace and gratitude.' That was cute and tallied with my present thoughts. After all, love and life are compatible. One cannot do without the other. I had not known Rebecca too long, but time did not prove a barrier. It might be great things often begin in simple ways.

The first floors presented gigantic malls and shopfronts while the walls sported an excess of the logo and slogan-filled images that advertised sensational products. 'I love it is truly my hot favorite from Macdonald's. Nothing could beat those three words in simplicity and style, and cherished universal values seemed everywhere. I had reached Walmart that said, 'Save Money, Live Better.' I decided to enter to pick up a People magazine.

Marching on along life's splendid highway, I beheld a banner high above. 'Just do it,' Nike said, and Burger King replied, 'Have it your way.' Against the tapestry of the sky, I beheld the Disney World message stark and clear, 'The Happiest Place on Earth!' At that moment of starry love, they seemed to be personal messages from a living god high above the tensions of big cities. Clever is the way of advertising to make you feel so great, I thought. Media is genuinely the ultimate boss, I realized.
